Publications appear here in reverse chronological order. See my Research in Progress page for the most recent research.
- A Domestic Political Economy of Package Treaties (with B. Peter Rosendorff). 2025. World Trade Review 23(5). Here is a summary of the related workshop.
- Government Choices of Debt Instruments (with B. Peter Rosendorff). 2023. International Studies Quarterly 67(2).
- How Do Sovereign Debt Investors React to Political Events in Emerging Market Countries? (with Sarah M. Brooks and Raphael Cunha). 2022. Comparative Political Studies 55(9): 1501-1538.
- Coming to Terms: The Politics of Sovereign Bond Denomination (with Cameron Ballard-Rosa and Rachel Wellhausen). 2022. International Organization 76(1): 32-69. Supplementary Materials; Replication Files. I discuss this paper, as well as some related research, on this episode of the Clauses and Controversies podcast.
- Prospects for Labor-Related Upgrading in Global Supply Chains. 2022. In Kimberly Ann Elliott, ed., Handbook on Globalisation and Labour Standards. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Race and Identity in the Study of International Political Economy. 2021. Global Perspectives 2(1): 22013.
- Labor Upgrading, Trade Agreements and Export Market Opportunities: Evidence from Vietnam. (with Edmund Malesky). Economics & Politics, Early View.
- “Firm Participation in Voluntary Regulatory Initiatives: the Accord, Alliance and US Garment Imports from Bangladesh” (with John Ahlquist). Review of International Organizations (early view). Replication materials via the Harvard Dataverse; Supplemental Appendix.
- “Contingent Advantage? Sovereign Borrowing, Democratic Institutions and Global Capital Cycles.” (with Cameron Ballard-Rosa and Rachel Wellhausen). 2021. British Journal of Political Science.
- Moving Markets? Government Bond Investors and Microeconomic Policy Changes. (with Erik Wibbels and Victoria Paniagua). Economics & Politics. 2020. Data Appendix.
- “When Talk Isn’t Cheap: Opportunities and Challenges in Interview Research” (with Claire Greenstein). 2020. In Luigi Curini and Robert J. Franzese, Jr., eds., Sage Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations. London: Sage.
- “Decompensating Domestically: the Political Economy of Anti-Globalization.” Journal of European Public Policy. 2019. (with James Bisbee, Thomas B. Pepinsky and B. Peter Rosendorff).
- “Protecting Workers Abroad and Industries at Home: Rights-Based Conditionality in Trade Preference Programs.” (with Emilie Hafner-Burton and Robert Galantucci). 2018. Journal of Conflict Resolution 63(5): 1253-1282. Replication materials via the Harvard Dataverse; Online Supplement (codebook and additional analyses).
- “Chains of Love? Global Production and the Firm-Level Diffusion of Labor Standards.” (with Edmund Malesky). 2018. American Journal of Political Science 68(3).
- “Investment and Debt.” 2018. In Carol Lancaster and Nicholas van de Walle, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Development.
- “Labor and the Global Political Economy.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. May 2017.
- “Workers’ Rights in Global Value Chains: Possibilities for Protection and Peril.” 2017. New Political Economy.
- “Migration, Labor and the International Political Economy.” 2015. With David Andrew Singer. Annual Review of Political Science 18.
- “Foreign Aid, Trade and Labor Rights in Developing Nations.” 2015. With Sijeong Lim and Aseem Prakash. World Development 67.
- “Labor Rights, Material Interests and Moral Entrepreneurship.” 2015. With Lindsay Tello. Human Rights Quarterly 37.
- “Categories, Creditworthiness and Contagion: How Investors’ Shortcuts Affect Sovereign Debt Markets.” 2015. With Sarah M. Brooks and Rafael de Cunha. International Studies Quarterly. Supporting materials here.
- “(De)Fault Lines? The EU, National Governments and Private Capital Markets in the Post-Crisis Era.” 2015. in Bruno Dallago and John McGowan, eds., Crises in Europe in the Transatlantic Context: Economic and Political Appraisals, pp. 152-167 (London: Routledge).
- Interview Research in Political Science, edited by Layna Mosley. Cornell University Press, 2013.
- Labor Rights and Multinational Production (2011). Cambridge University Press. Click here. For the Collective Labor Rights Dataset, covering 1985-2002, see my Harvard Dataverse page.
- “Regulating Globally, Implementing Locally: The Financial Codes and Standards Effort.” Review of International Political Economy, 2010.
- “Trade-Based Diffusion of Labor Rights: A Panel Study, 1986-2002” (with Brian Greenhill and Aseem Prakash). 2009. American Political Science Review 103.
- “The Global Financial Crisis: Lessons and Opportunities for International Political Economy”. 2009 (with David Andrew Singer). International Interactions 35.
- “An End to Global Standards and Codes?” 2009. Global Governance.
- “Private Governance for the Public Good? Exploring Private Sector Participation in Global Financial Regulation,” in Helen V. Milner and Andrew Moravcsik, eds., Power, Interdependence and Non-State Actors in World Politics, Princeton University Press, 2009.
- “Workers’ Rights in Open Economies: Global Production and Domestic Institutions in the Developing World.” 2008. Comparative Political Studies.
- “Taking Stock Seriously: Equity Market Performance, Government Policy, and Financial Globalization.” 2008. (with David Andrew Singer). International Studies Quarterly.
- “Racing to the Bottom or Climbing to the Top? Economic Globalization and Labor Rights”. 2007, Comparative Political Studies. Visit here for the data appendix, coding template, and replication materials.
- “Turkey’s Convergence Tale: Market Pressures, Membership Conditionality and EU Accession.” (with Iain Hardie, University of Edinburgh).
- “Constraints, Opportunities and Information: Financial Market-Government Relations around the World.” In Pranab Bardham, Samuel Bowles and Michael Wallerstein, eds., Globalization and Egalitarian Redistribution; Princeton University Press, 2006.
- “Globalisation and the State: Still Room to Move?” 2005. New Political Economy.
- “Dropping Zeros, Gaining Credibility? Currency Redenomination in Developing Nations.” Presented at the 2005 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association.
- “Government-Financial Market Relations after EMU: New Currency, New Constraints?” 2004. European Union Politics. Data for this article.
- Global Capital and National Governments (2003). Available from Cambridge University Press.
- “Attempting Global Standards: National Governments, International Finance, and the IMF’s Data Regime.“ 2003. Review of International Political Economy.
- “Golden Straightjacket or Golden Opportunity? Sovereign Borrowing in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries,” paper prepared for the Understanding the Gold Standard conference, May 2002, University of Notre Dame.
- “Room to Move: International Financial Markets and National Welfare States,” International Organization, vol. 54, no. 4 (Autumn 2000). Data files are here. For background notes on this piece, see Room to Move Background Feb 2019.
- For information on the Governance by Contract project, funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies and directed by Connor Cradden, click here.
- “National Governments and Global Capital Markets: Lessons of the Past for the Present.” A brief discussion of my archival research on pre-World War I capital markets, from the European Association of Banking History report.
448 Robertson Hall
Phone: 609-258-9156
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Assistant: Nancy Goodstein